Thursday, March 5, 2009

Andrew was four when this picture was taken. Tomorrow he will be seven. Where has the time gone? He's like a balloon that has just been released. Of course he's moving away from me at a much slower pace but a mother never gets that time back. You and your balloon. Me and my baby. But I have released my sweet balloon. He needs to float on his own. He can play 50 feet away from me now instead of 2. The dangers used to be the corner of the coffee table or whatever he could get into under the kitchen sink. Now I worry about who he plays with at school and if he is sitting still long enough to listen to the directions from the teacher.

What a sweet, sweet boy he is. He has the kindest spirit of any child I have ever known.

I'll let you in on a little secret. I tied a string on that balloon that is forever long. I am never letting go!


  1. Tears came to my eyes. Maddy starts K in aug - *sigh*

  2. Goodness gracious Bets - this could be a picture book! Great entry and I LURV seeing my pic on here! hee hee!!

  3. that was sweet - the pic is not showing up for me. Hope the party was a success - according to Poppa it was. I am sure we'll see pics soon.
