This is not a weight loss blog but it is a blog about me. I started blogging to keep the creative juices flowing for my writing. But lately all I have been thinking about is swim suit season which coincides with my 20 year high school reunion. So, I have put a poll on my blog asking you how much weight you would like to lose if you were going to Florida for a reunion. That way if you say, "Oh Betsy you don't need to lose weight." I can say, "Look at my poll. Most everyone wants to lose weight."
I am so far from my goal. I would post my current weight and my goal but I know it is human nature for your friends/blog followers to say nice things. But you know what? Nice comments on my current weight are not going to keep me from the white powdered doughnuts that my kids love to eat on the weekends! So don't be nice!
I want to post a picture of me on the beach from two summers ago when I was at my GOAL weight (after a bout with the stomach bug- I might add.) That way every time I look at my blog I will see that photo and be reminded of where I want to be.
I did strategically place that same photo in my pantry. I think I need to make it an 8 1/2 by 11. I keep looking around it to find the corn chips. (Just tossed the corn chips in the trash. Sorry to anyone who thinks I should be feeding the world with those corn chips. By the time they made it to Africa, they would have been stale.)
I am weighing in tomorrow. If you don't feel like reading about weight, exercise or food just skip over it and read my other posts. This is really just for me. If I post my weight weekly I will feel like I am answering to someone besides myself.
im depressed - Im gonna go eat now. I keep my ideal photo right by the fridge so I can wave goodbye as I grab a snack :) ha!
ReplyDeleteToo funny. Didn't mean to depress you! This damn reunion....