Monday, March 30, 2009

It can happen right???

So here is the photo that motivates me to put down the cashews, grilled cheese crusts from my kid's sandwiches, and fritoes. Not a bad goal right (to look like Christina Ricci in this photo)? A friend of mine believes in starvation. I believe in eating less and exercising. All the celebrities say that they keep fit by finding quiet time for themselves or focusing in on the positive or playing with their 2 year old in the park. I call bull $&*@ on that. The celebrities keep fit by firing their chefs if they allow doughnuts or potato chips to cross their thresholds.

So I can't afford a trainer and I have no chef/"food bouncer" at my door. Hmmm... wish me luck. I am going to try chanting in the backyard in a criss-cross apple sauce position while my kids run circles around me. Or maybe I should just tie my hands behind my back. No more typing today......
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