Monday, March 2, 2009

25 Things about me!

1. I write for children.
2. Laundry- I don't mind washing or folding but I HATE putting it away.
3. I love to cook and make fancy meals but my kids only like the same five things for dinner.
4. I scrapbook in my spare time. I use all my spare money on scrapbooking supplies.I have a whole room dedicated to my scrapbooking habit.
4. My Dad is my hero.
5. When I am mad about something I call my mom.
6. I am a former teacher but despise doing homework with my 1st grader.
7. I read magazines and catalogs back to front.
8. I love to buy picture books, especially hardcover. I have over 500 in my own library.
9.I would rather be in the woods or on the beach with my boys and husband than any other place on the weekends.
10.I find inspiration for my writing by watching and playing with my boys.
11.My husband is the funniest person I know.(and most loving- but tries to hide it to others).
12. I cry at the simplest things but my friends would not label me emotional.
13.I love GALAGA.
14.I once stayed up until 6:40 a.m.(started at 10:00 the night before) watching past episodes of LOST to catch up to this season premiere. I am such a LOST junkie!
15.I love to play tennis.
16.I love to read!!!! I have a list of at least 40 books right now that I am dying to get to- picture books, young adult, adult....
17.Biggest bummer- trained for the Jan. '09 Disney marathon and was injured 3 weeks before the race.
18.My sister in law is like a real sister to me.
19.I am not AS scared of frogs as I once was.
20.My first purchase after winning the lottery would be a beach home.
21.If I had to choose one thing or two things to grab before my house burned down (outside of family/pets), it would be my scrapbooks/photos and my book ideas folder.
22.I am a founding sister of the Alpha Xi Delta sorority at Florida Atlantic University. Go AZD!!!
23.My husband and I drove through a tornado on the highway.(I said my goodbyes to him.That bad!)
24.I wish one more of Jason's fraternity brothers would get married soon so that I can see all of them and their wives again! Braden... (Who is going to the Duke reunion this Spring?)
25.Sting could be the only artist on my ipod and I wouldn't care.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog - Ill add it to my blog roll. soi proud of you! ;) Ill be back!
